The word Stargazing means “To observe the stars“. Now there are levels of observation. Some people just look them as twinkling tiny dots, some think them as beautiful shinning gems in the night sky, some think them as gods, some people think them as meaningless objects just to give us some sense of being not alone. For us star gazing means meaningful Star gazing.
We not only do star gazing but we do Astronomy by learning the constellations, the Galaxies, Nebulas and Star clusters. We see beyond the stars the galaxies, clusters, nebulas..all with telescope. We photograph the night Sky both wide angle and zoomed. We use one or combination of techniques for Astrophotogrpahy.
Can I do Star Gazing myself?
Yes you can. But in order to do meaningful Star gazing you need to go out of the light polluted areas and observe the star patterns and learn from books, documentaries and by practicing on your own. By going with a group, a person learns better and Astronomers company with everything arranged is a huge plus, hence a faster and better way to learn.
If I am going somewhere with a tourism group and they write Star gazing in their title/description, does this mean the meaningful Star Gazing?
KAS is a group that takes the people of Karachi to Astronomy trips is Karachi Astronomers Society (since 2008), as we have a team of Amateur Astronomers with decades of experience in Astronomy, Astrophotography, telescope usage, buying and selling and photography equipment usage. If anyone writes Star Gazing other than KAS, it doesn’t mean that KAS is involved in that trip. You should write to contact@karachiastronomy.com or contact@kaasts.com to confirm. You are most welcome to go with the group on your own choice and at your own risk. When KAS takes people to these trips, they teach them Astronomy and don’t do meaningless star gazing.
If someone is taking to Astrophotography trip, is KAS involved in it?
When KAS arranges such event, it is promoted through KAS Facebook page and contact@karachiastronomy.com or contact@kaasts.com. KAS has no branch.
Why does KAS charge money for the star gazing trips when the sky is free?
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